How mad have the past, like, 9 months been? (That question's mostly directed at Below Bermuda fans, but go ahead and tell us how your year's been if you're excited too.) We've seen a lot come and go, and we've made a lot of ground; we hope you've enjoyed the journey with us. Here's a little bit of a recap, and more importantly, a thank-you.
First of all, massive thanks to all those who saw us at YUSU Summer Ball 2018. We had a blast playing for you, and it was awesome to have so many friends come and dance with us. Without a doubt, our set at the racecourse was above and beyond all the rest of our university performances, and a great potential last gig to play for the university which helped bring us together.
After SUmmer Ball, we waited. Since our demo of Wings was played on BBC Radio North Yorkshire, we'd been anxiously awaiting the chance to play at Wild Festivals WF7 Essex, and the buzz we got from Summer Ball left us itching for more. Just before Essex though, we'd planned our own show at York's Spread Eagle bar. Unfortunately, the bar cancelled on the day of the concert, but we weren't going to let anything get in our way.
Thinking on our feet, we moved the gig to my front room (without telling my landlady), and ended up having more fun than we've had at any other show! Even though we had a drum kit made partly from storage boxes, and 25-30 people in a 5-person room, we learned that guerilla performance might just be the way to go!
Many thanks to all who came, and good luck to our friends in the Elevens, who were an awesome 'support' act for us!
With a lot of cleaning left to do, but a lot of excitement left to burn, we began to plan for Essex. Quite a lot of money and three weeks later, we found ourselves driving down in an over-packed car to play our first out-of-York set in Maldon for a community of terrific, friendly people.
So many brilliant groups, performers and people collided with us at WF7, and while we enjoyed our set, we also benefited from meeting a ton of helpful, supportive people. To those who met us offstage, and to those who danced with us: thank you dearly.
Special mentions go to The Mighty Fallen, Not My Circus, The Rogues, Stevie Simpson and Ray Perry. Thank you endlessly for your help, advice, support and community welcome. You allowed us to enjoy a weekend which has beaten all my good memories of the past three years in York.
We've had more fun than I ever anticipated having at university. We're not done. We'll be back with more news and announcements soon. If you've been there from the start, a huge thank-you; if you're just joining us, I hope the future is even more fun than the past.